5. Playing
Playing from sheet music - Automatic page turning - Playing
When the sheet is fully set up, you can start the self-scrolling music sheet by tapping on the play button in the lower toolbar.
Start the song by tapping again on the play button in the toolbar (1) or on the play button in the dialog (2).
1. Play-Button options
1.1 Count-In
If desired, a count-in can be played before the actual track starts. The count-in always runs at the tempo and rhythm that you have entered in the basic settings. You can choose how many beats are counted in.
1.2 Tempo
At 100%, the piece is started at the tempo specified in the basic settings. You can modify the tempo here if you want to play the piece faster or slower. If you have marked tempo changes, these will be slowed down or sped up to the same extent. If you have saved an audio file, the tempo of the recording will be adjusted while the pitch remains the same.
1.3 Wait for mic signal
If you select this option, the app will wait until the microphone has detected a certain volume level before starting to run. You can adjust the sensitivity of the microphone in the basic settings.
1.4 Remember settings and don't show this again
If you want the song to start directly when you press play, you can select this option. You can bring back the play dialog at any time by pressing and holding the play button.
1.5 Manual Page Turning
If you activate manual scrolling, the app will no longer scroll automatically and will not display a moving cursor. You can then scroll manually using the on-screen buttons or the foot pedal. (See also Manual Page Turning)
2. Loops
If you want to practise a specific section of the piece, you can define this section as a loop.
To do this, use the arrow keys (1,2) next to the play button to navigate to the point where the loop should start. Alternatively, you can also open the timeline (3) and move the cursor (4) along the timeline.
Then tap the ‘A’ button (1) to mark the start of the loop.
Do exactly the same to navigate to the end of the loop and tap ‘B’ (2).
To activate looping, tap the loop button (3) so that it is highlighted.
Tap and hold A or B to open a dialog where you can enter the start and end of the loop manually and with millisecond precision.
If you have not explicitly defined A and B, A is always at the beginning of the piece and B at the end.
3. Play to an audio file
You can add an audio file to the song, which is then played when the song is started. When loading the audio file, the app tries to determine the tempo of the recording and automatically adjusts the tempo in the basic settings. The time interval between the start of the recording and the first beat is also automatically determined and taken into account.
Both entries can also be changed manually in order to optimally adapt the score to the audio file.
To do this, open the timeline (1) and tap the eject button in the timeline (2).
Then select an audio file. All common audio file formats are supported (e.g. MP3, WAV, AAC). Once the audio file has been loaded, the waveform is displayed in the timeline and a brief message about adjusting the tempo appears.
The tempo (2) and the position of the first beat (3) can be further fine-tuned via the timeline settings (1). The calculated values are displayed in each case. Use the R buttons (4,5) to reset the settings to the calculated values.
An audio recording contains a steady rhythm at a tempo of 60 BPM. The first beat begins with an offset of 500ms:
The following settings must be made:
If you have set everything up correctly, the audio file and sheet music will run synchronously.