4. Playing
Playing from sheet music - Automatic page turning - Playing Copy the URL link to this section to share When the sheet is fully set up, you can start the self-scrolling music sheet by tapping on the play button in the lower toolbar.Start the song by tapping again on the play button in the toolbar (1) or on the play button in the dialog (2). 1. Play-Button options 1.1 Count-In If desired, a count-in can be played before the actual track starts. The count-in always runs at the tempo and rhythm that you have entered in the basic settings. You can choose how many beats are counted in. 1.2 Tempo At 100%, the piece is started at the tempo specified in the basic settings. You can modify the tempo here if you want to play the piece faster or slower. If you have marked tempo changes, these will be slowed down or sped up to the same extent. If you have saved an audio file, the tempo of the recording will…